Thrive Neurodiversity Training

Instructor Partner Training

At Thrive, our vision is to help one person at a time to thrive and to be the best version of themselves that they can be.
How do we help one person at a time?
By making sure that the right support, help, and resources are available to everyone.
But we need your help to achieve this.

Could this be you?

  • By investing in becoming a Thrive Instructor Partner you can help educate workplaces and communities about the strengths of neurodiverse individuals.
  • You’ll be able to educate employers on how neurodiverse strengths can be leveraged, and how employers can benefit when they adopt an “inclusion for all” policy.
  • You can have a real impact by spreading neurodiversity awareness and acceptance. 
  • You can help improve the mental health of people whose lives are affected by stigma and discrimination. 
  • Qualifying as a Thrive Instructor Partner means that you can offer a premium service to a market that’s just waking up to the potential of fully embracing neurodiversity.


7-Day Thrive Training to Instructor Partner

Qualifying as a Thrive Instructor Partner means that you can offer a premium service to a market that’s just waking up to the potential of fully embracing neurodiversity.

Our Instructor partner course lasts for seven days, with a mix of face-to-face and virtual modules (see time-table)

We cover
• How a neurodiverse mind works
• How proactive inclusion can help employers retain & empower staff
• What it means to experience sensory overload
• How all neurodiverse behaviour is actually communication

Peer assessment and sign-off process to become an approved Instructor Partner.

We provide all the training materials you will need, along with access to a digital portal - a hub to access the latest resources and stay connected with us and your fellow Thrive Instructor Partners.

The Instructor Resource Hub

The Thrive Instructor Partner Resource Hub is included free for one year as part of your training. After the first 12 months we will invite you to join the membership* to continue access to all the up to date materials and resources to keep your skills up to date and relevant. *(currently £150 +VAT annually thereafter.)

The Instructor Partner Resource Hub is a one-stop-shop to the up to date info and materials you will be using when delivering your training.

• We always drop the latest info to your PowerPoint deck
• Find useful resources to include in your presentations
• Be part of our community and connect with fellow Thrive instructors.

The one year free membership starts on the last day of your training.

What you will get

✔︎   A 7-day training programme, spread over 3 weeks, comprising of 8 modules.
✔︎   Attendance of live (or recorded) sessions of the Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace Aware Webinar 
✔︎   and Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace Champion Workshop.

Our main requirement of you is YOUR COMMITMENT.
Each module and training day - including your end assessment and celebration day – contains essential content you won’t want to miss. If you think you can’t make all the dates, please choose a cohort where you can. Whilst all virtual sessions are recorded, nothing creates inclusion like a cohort that trains together. 


• Thrive Instructor Partner Training Manual with full lesson plans
• Workbooks for Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace Aware Webinar
and for Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace Champion Workshop
• Lanyard
• Badge
• Bag
• Certificate
• Marketing pack
• Thrive Instructor Partner portal and Resource Hub access for one year
• Opportunity to up skill to the Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace for Managers workshop


• Understand the basics of neurodiversity differences.
• Be aware of executive function.
• Be aware of the differences in communication styles.
• Understand that all behaviour is communication.
• Instill the confidence to ask questions to gain better clarification of communication.
• Have an awareness of the sensory environment.
• Be more sensory considerate.
• Teach to recognise the early signs of anxiety.
• Train how to help someone regulate their anxieties with various strategies.
• Empower employers and staff.


Qualifying as a Thrive Instructor Partner means that you can offer a premium service to a market that is waking up to fully embracing neurodiversity.

For example, our recommended pricing structure for clients is:
£600 + VAT for a 1-hour 'Aware Webinar'
£1550 + VAT for the 4-hour 'Champion Workshop'

We also provide you with the chance to progress to the Thrive Neurodiversity in the Workplace for Managers training program,  after 6 months, or after you’ve delivered two successful Aware webinars and Champion workshops. This can then be rolled out to clients for £2500 + VAT for a full-day workshop.